Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Outline with Thesis and main points



Thesis- High schools should start later because it will improve academic performance, increase attendance and completion, as well as improve students overall health.

I.                    Introduction

a.       What time schools starts now? 7:30

b.      What is the preferred amount of sleep time? 8 hours

c.       The negative effects of sleep depravation

II.                  Improving academic performance

a.       Sleep deprivation study/ cognitive test

1.       Performance drops over time without sleep

b.      Student performance at different times of the day

1.       1st period class vs. 4th period class

c.       Statistics showing how students with more sleep do compared to students with less sleep

d.      Medical school residence errors from lack of sleep

III.                Increased attendance/ completion

a.       What is the average attendance every day?

b.      Today’s dropout rates/ graduation rates

c.       Schools that have actually made the change, and the positive effects of it

IV.                Improved health

a.       Health effects of lack of sleep

1.       Depression

2.       Weight gain

3.       Immune problems

V.                  High school should remain at the time it already is

a.       Students have afterschool sports and jobs

b.      Parents can’t provide transportation because they are at work

c.       Older siblings can’t take care of younger siblings if they are getting out later

VI.                Points are not a valid argument

a.       The reason for high school is to prepare you for college and a career

1.       You don’t NEED a part time job in order to be successful after high school (etc.)

2.       These considerations  do not support the main point

VII.              Conclusion

a.       The USA has fallen international ranked for students

1.       Quote from Einstein “the definition of insanity…”

b.      If we do the same thing, we can’t expect change

1.       If the USA is dropping internationally then we need to find the root of the problem.

2.       The problem may not be the curriculum, but it could be sleep deprived students

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